Session Aims & Scope

As a cutting-edge technology, the widespread adoption of digital twins is transforming various fields, particularly those at the interdisciplinary frontier. This section discusses the latest advancements in digital twin technology and their applications in areas such as hemodynamics, smart remanufacturing, robotics, industrial sustainability, quality control, smart factories, responsible AI, and so on. The aim of this discussion is to highlight the potential of digital twins to drive innovation and improve outcomes across diverse domains.

Session Chair(s)


Stefan Pickl

acatech Fellow, Bundeswehr University Munich (Germany)


Fei Tao

Professor, Beihang University  (China)


Yupeng Wei

Associate Professor, Beihang University  (China)


Marvin May

Chief Engineer, wbk Institute of Production Science (Germany)



Session Presentation


Marvin May

Chief Engineer

wbk Institute of Production Science (Germany)

Title: Crafting a Knowledge Graph and Ontology based Manufacturing System Digital Twin for interoperability


Digital Twins of Manufacturing Systems are often constructed based on event discrete simulations that mimic the behavior of the actual system by handcrafted tuning and the inclusion of some real-time information such as breakdowns. In order to construct a truly interoperable digital twin, the modeling and interface of the real system and the digital twin should be interchangeable. By modeling a manufacturing system in an ontology and instantiating it as a knowledge graph the real system state and digital twin become interchangeable, also with respect to applicable production control. Based on the OpenSource, OntologySim the technology is introduced and discussed.


Merlin Korth

Research Associate

wbk Institute of Production Science (Germany)

Title: Digital Twin application in a brownfield Semi-Automated High Volume Manufacturing System


High Volume manufacturing is characterized by the need to control a stable manufacturing system, often in form of a semi-automated system, and, thus, provides an ideal testbed for the implementation of digital twins in a brownfield environment. The proposed approach aligns a manual crafted digital twin event discrete simulation over a long term with the real system behavior. Therefore, both automated stations, their respective behavior as well as humans in the manufacturing system are considered. The validation in a large real-world system shows the ability to control deviation between the digital twin and reality in an acceptably narrow band. 


Qinghua Lu

Principal research scientist

CSIRO’s Data61 (Australia)

Title: Responsible AI Engineering & Digital Twin


The rapid advancements in AI, particularly with the emergence of large language models (LLMs) and their diverse applications, have attracted huge global interest and raised significant concerns on responsible AI and AI safety. While LLMs are impressive examples of AI models, it is the compound AI systems, which integrate these models with other key components for functionality and quality/risk control, that are ultimately deployed and have real-world impact. These AI systems, especially autonomous LLM agents and those involving multi-agent interacting, require system-level engineering to ensure responsible AI and AI safety. On the other hand, data is the lifeblood of AI systems, cross-cutting different components in AI systems. In this talk, I will introduce a responsible AI engineering approach to address system-level responsible AI challenges. This includes engineering/governance methods, practices, tools, and platforms to ensure responsible AI and AI safety. Specially, I will talk about how digital twin can be integrated into responsible AI engineering.


Xiao Xue

Research Fellow

University College London (UK)

Title: Advancing Towards Exascale: Creating Digital Twin Vascular Models for Hemodynamics


As the global population ages, there is increasing focus on health and well-being. Understanding and predicting the impact of dis eases is crucial for advancing digital twin healthcare. In an era of rapidly growing computational power, driven by advances in CPU and GPU technologies, we are entering the exascale computing era. This offers a unique opportunity to use computational and physical modeling to deepen our understanding of vascular changes and pre-surgeon planning. In this presentation, we will explore the latest developments in simulating the human vascular system using the Lattice Boltzmann Method. The discussion will include a basic overview of the Boltzmann frame work and demonstrate its application in studying the flow through the Circle of Willis (CoW) in the brain. We will also examine how aortic stenosis affects blood pressure and identify key factors influencing the risk, growth, and rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Additionally, we will introduce a method for integrating heart models with the thoracic aorta. This integration represents a significant shift towards high-fidelity, full-body 3D modeling in digital twin healthcare, opening up new research opportunities.


Jun Huang


Wuhan University of Technology (China)

Title: Digital twin for smart remanufacturing of high-value assets


Remanufacturing can give end-of-life products new life cycles and make them have the same quality and performance as new manufactured products, which has economic, resource, environmental and social benefits. Remanufacturing saves raw materials and energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions as well as landfill requirements. Digital twin has been increasingly to be employed to reduce the impact of quantity, quality, and demand uncertainties in remanufacturing of high-value assets, enabling smart remanufacturing. This presentation will determine the functional requirements for a digital twin model fit for high-value asset remanufacturing. Disassembly is a critical step in remanufacturing. The research on robotic disassembly carried out in our lab will be introduced briefly. 


Jinhua Xiao

Research fellow

Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Title: Digital twin-assisted multi-agent human and robots disassembly system platform towards retired power battery recycling


Nowadays, with the development of green manufacturing and cycling re-manufacturing, the recycling of and re-utilization of retired products and related resource has gradually been paid attention to accomplish the sustainable and green productions. The disassembly as an important step in the recycling process can provide the automation technology based on robots that can accomplish many complex re-manufacturing tasks. Due to the high complexity and diversity of disassembly object products, manual disassembly is difficult to accomplish the economically efficient disassembly. Therefore, the robot application has many advantages on dealing with complex disassembly operations, but resulting in enough not flexible disassembly. This study proposes a digital twin-assisted multi-agent human and robots disassembly operations for uncertain conditions. This method discusses the flexibility and intelligence of human as operators, and the repeatability and high-accuracy of robots to deal with complicated disassembly tasks. By combining digital twin data platform, it can be easily solve the problems of real-time disassembly process and the dynamic disassembly task allocation can be used to improve the effectiveness of disassembly primarily based on a case of electric vehicle (EV) battery.


Yongjing Wang

Associate Professor

the University of Birmingham (UK)

Title: Digitalization and automation of disassembly for industrial sustainability


Disassembly is a key step in remanufacturing and recycling, both of which are critical components in a circular economy. Disassembly is also a common operation in the repair and maintenance of machines and public infrastructure facilities (e.g. transport and energy).  In many ways, disassembly is challenging to robotize due to variability in the condition of the returned products and the required dexterity in robotic manipulations. This talk introduces recent research developments in the area of robotic disassembly and remanufacturing automation at the University of Birmingham, and highlight key opportunities and technical gaps in the use of digitalization and automation to support sustainable manufacturing.


Long Ye

Research Associate

the University of Edinburgh (UK)

Title: An Enabling Digital Twin for Quality Control in Micro Electrical Discharge Machining


Micro electrical discharge machining (µEDM) is a vital technique for producing miniaturized components, renowned for its ability to process challenging materials such as superalloys and technical ceramics, irrespective of their mechanical properties. However, the intricate spatio-temporal process phenomena involved in µEDM pose significant challenges in understanding the material removal mechanisms, complicating the assurance of component quality, particularly for intricate geometries or mass production. This research addresses these challenges by developing a two-level digital twin (DT) framework for on-line µEDM process and quality management. The first-level DT focuses on the discharge process, utilizing a hierarchical deep learning model to detect anomalies and a real-time feedback controller to maintain the discharge stability. The second-level DT handles digital quality management, employing a transfer learning model to predict quality across varying energy regimes and material types, combined with a path-dependent compensation strategy for layer-by-layer quality correction. The proposed DT framework is demonstrated in an industrially relevant case study, generating contour-parallel defects on a bearing inner ring, showcasing its potential for enhancing µEDM process control and product quality.


Deying Luo

Postdoctoral Fellow

the University of California San Diego (US)

Title: Interface physics and engineering of perovskite optoelectronic devices


Halide perovskite represents a promising new class of materials for the next generation of optoelectronic devices, spanning from solar cells to light-emitting diodes. However, achieving both high device efficiencies and stabilities faces sizable challenges due to non-ideal interface contacts. Therefore, developing rational strategies for engineering interfaces in perovskite optoelectronic devices plays a key role in enhancing overall performance. We conducted studies on the chemical reaction kinetics involved in surface passivation of halide perovskite semiconductors, and elucidated fundamental physical principles dictating band alignment at perovskite/organic interfaces. Upon a deeper understanding of interface physics in perovskite optoelectronic devices, we devised effective approaches to tackle interface-related issues that impede device performance improvement, resulting in improved device performance and the realization of all-in-one perovskite devices. Lastly, we introduced an amorphous rare metal oxide (YbOx) buffer layer, considerably boosting device efficiencies and stabilities of inverted perovskite solar cells.


Yuqian Lu

Senior Lecturer

the University of Auckland (New zealand)

Title: Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Digital Twins for Smart Factory Scheduling


Real-world factories operate in a constant state of flux, facing unpredictable changes due to dynamic factors such as unexpected job order arrivals, diverse product ranges, urgent requests, machine breakdowns, and variable processing times. Consequently, effective optimal production scheduling presents a formidable challenge. This talk showcases the potential of smart digital twins enhanced by reinforcement learning technologies in addressing this complex problem. Our unique approach conceptualizes factory machines as independent smart digital twins, each equipped with its own scheduling policy learned through reinforcement learning technologies. Through unique reinforcement learning model design and a series of experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy of this method in tackling real-world scheduling challenges. Furthermore, our research reveals that incorporating engineering knowledge can significantly enhance the exploration of satisfactory scheduling policies, leading to more robust and efficient solutions for industrial applications.


Weihao Xie

Postgraduate student

Wuhan University of Science and Technology (China)

Title: Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Service Collaboration Based on Digital Twins


With the gradual interconnection and integration of manufacturing resources in the physical and virtual space, it has become an inevitable trend to establish the manufacturing service collaboration (MSC) mode of virtual and real fusion, which can meet the personalized and complex manufacturing requirements under the new situation. In order to realize this collaboration mode, how to develop from static service collaboration in virtual space to MSC under the fusion of virtual and real space is the key core. In this paper, a digital twin driven manufacturing service collaboration method (DT-MSC) is proposed to solve this problem. It discusses service collaboration description method combining static encapsulation and dynamic awareness, which describes and maps the static resources and dynamic states of manufacturing services. Then, it proposes the basic model of service collaboration by taking elements of virtual and real as the object, including physical object-physical object, physical object-virtual model and virtual model-virtual model. Besides, it designs a service collaboration monitoring mechanism containing multi-service information to improve the success rate of service collaboration. This method provides possibility for realizing the transformation from traditional MSC into digital twin MSC.